Rip Curl’s Sustainable Cotton Journey

In July 2021, we announced our partnership with the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) and committed to using 65% sustainable cotton in Rip Curl products by 2025.
We’re excited to share that since then, we have made significant progress towards fulfilling that commitment.
At the end of 2021, our product range consisted of 23% sustainable cotton. By the end of this year, we are forecasting to reach 53% sustainable cotton, with an increase in organic and recycled cotton. Since joining the Better Cotton Initiative, we have seen change occur across our supply chain, with many Rip Curl suppliers also joining the initiative.
Why use sustainable cotton?
Why use sustainable cotton? Conventionally grown cotton uses harmful pesticides, excessive amounts of water, has a huge carbon footprint, and perpetuates poor working conditions for farmers.
By purchasing better cotton products from Rip Curl, you are supporting BCI farmers to use water more efficiently, care for soil health, reduce harmful chemicals, and improve workers’ rights and overall well-being. The BCI offers us the chance to make a tangible difference in the lives of others and the fate of our environment.
How does the BCI work?
How does the BCI work? The BCI takes a holistic approach to sustainability and change, using funding to support cotton farmers and farming communities from the ground up. The BCI works in these communities to provide better education on more sustainable practices and develop greater resilience to climate change.
Though we are still in the early stages of our sustainability journey, Rip Curl is proud to partner with programs such as the BCI to foster change and enact our core values of caring for Community and Environment. We are hopeful of reaching our target of 65% sustainable cotton by 2025 and remain excited to expand and set ourselves bigger challenges in the future.